Heck of a Week Upon Us

Get ’em shined up and get ’em out there (you may bring yourself also). March 18th – Tuesday –Gears, Grub & Mud at 1880 Grille – Organized by the...

Upcoming This Week Try Hangout & Gears, Grub, and Mud for Great Cruise-Ins —–

If you’ve never been to Hot Rod Hangout at the St. George Cracker Barrel you are in for a real treat. Lots of good friends visiting while standing around...

Holy Burr Me Up In Mornings For Next 10 Days!

Thank heck for some of the late afternoons warming up a tad. Please take a peek at → My Atrium  to view flyers January 13th – Monday – Margarita...

Car Events Change Like Wildfire in a Whirlwind

If you are a member of the Desert Rodders be sure to check Tony’s calendar for the latest upcoming events and any changes. Probably one significant change is the...

End of Another Year With Plenty of Ups & Downs

Well, for some of us the year was plenty good except for losing some great friends along the way…..inevitable part of life but still devastating in so many ways....

Not 100% Sure About Anything—-Good Luck!

It is always safe to check Facebook for each group before heading out if you do FB….I have deleted all my Facebook accounts, so I can’t check for sure....

Car World Happiness for Everyone

I sure hope everyone is having the time of their lives and already looking forward to a great New Year. This year is sure to be a bumper crop...

Interest Things This Week – Not All Great News

Thoughts and prayers to all suffering with health and passing of some fantastic folks. Keep them on your mind and remember how lucky some of us are. This week...

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL—

Wow! It seems like the time just flies by, and that’s because it really does. Have fun and be Thankful. Here’s just a few things going on over the...

End of Week Upon Us —

Nice and warm. Come on out to something. Friday, November 22nd – American Grinders but Subject to Change 7 PM – SGCC Check St. George Car Club Facebook for updates....